Board of Trustees

Library Board of Trustees

The Library Board of Trustees are elected officials. They receive no payment for their services.

President Kim McGee (2021-2025)

Vice President Kyrie Mixson (2023-2029)

Secretary Beth Leitz (2019-2025)

Treasurer Glenna White (2021-2025)


Ben Watson (2021-2027)

William Benner (2021-2027)

Open seat (2023-2025)


Board of Library Trustees.

The Board of Library Trustees of the Newman Regional Library District is charged with the responsibility of the governance of the library. The Board will hire a skilled Librarian who will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the library. The Board will meet at least every other month. These meetings will be open to the public, and noticed in advance.

Any Board member wishing to have an item placed on the agenda will call the Board President in sufficient time preceding the meeting to have the item placed. Any Board member who is unable to attend a meeting will call the library to indicate that he or she will be absent. Due to the fact that a quorum is required for each meeting, this phone call should be placed as far in advance as possible.

Board members are not to be compensated pursuant to statute, but will be reimbursed for necessary and related expenses as trustees. To be effective, Board members must attend most meetings, read materials presented for review, and attend an occasional Library System (or other library related) workshop, seminar, or meeting. The Librarian will make the dates of these workshops known to the Board in a timely manner. Board members using their own vehicle will be reimbursed at the rate allowed by the IRS for travel to and from any Library System (or other library related) workshop, seminar, or meeting. Board members are not exempt from late fees, fines, or other user fees.

The Trustee Facts File, published by the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State, contains further information regarding library administration and trustee responsibilities.

Officers and Elections.

The officers of the Board shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer. Those officers shall be elected by a ballot vote for two year term at the regular meeting in the month of May. The president shall not serve more than two consecutive terms unless by unanimous board consent. In the event of a resignation from an office, an election to fill the unexpired term of that office will be conducted by a ballot vote at the next regular meeting.


The president shall preside at all board meetings, appoint all standing and special committees, serve as ex-officio member of all committees, and perform all other such duties as may be assigned by the board. The president shall be the only spokesperson for the Board of Library Trustees in all advisory or disciplinary action directed to the staff.

Vice President

The vice-president, in the absence of the president, shall assume all duties of the president.


The secretary shall keep minutes of all board meetings, record attendance, record a roll call on all votes (except when a ballot vote is taken). The secretary shall perform all other such clerical duties as may be assigned by the board.


The treasurer is authorized by the Board to sign checks, shall serve on the finance committee, and shall draw up checks. The treasurer shall keep all financial records of the Board. The normal depository of all financial records shall be the library. The treasurer shall have charge of the library funds and incomes, sign all the checks on the authorization of the board, and report at each meeting the state of the funds. In the absence of the treasurer or when he or she is unable to serve, the president or vice-president may perform the duties of the treasurer. The treasurer shall be bonded in the amount to be approved by the board and according to statute requirement. The treasurer is authorized to pay salaries and insurance bills as they come due.


Under the Illinois Public Library Law the Board of Library Trustees is, among other functions, empowered to formulate “reasonable rules and regulations… in order to render the use of the library of the greatest benefit to the greatest number” and to “appoint a competent librarian and necessary assistants, to fix their compensation, to remove such appointees, and to retain professional consultants as needed.”  Thus, in defining and delineating the division of responsibility between the Board and the librarian, the Board recognizes that the ultimate responsibility to the community to provide “the greatest benefit to the greatest number” rests with the Board. Policy determination is the Board’s power and duty. Management is the administrative librarian’s responsibility, for which he or she is responsible to the Board. The division and sharing of these responsibilities fall into various categories.

Governance and Policy Making

Goals and Objectives for the Library

Board responsibility

It shall be the duty of the Board to determine the goals and objectives of the library and the methods of meeting them, to review the goals and objectives annually, and to evaluate progress.

Librarian responsibility

The Librarian shall provide assistance and direction in setting goals and objectives and in determining means of evaluation.

Joint responsibility

The Board shall relate the library and its program to the community and its needs through systematic study of the community and through systematic analysis of library service with the assistance of the Librarian, who shall participate fully and prepare regular reports on current progress and future needs.

Written Policies

Board responsibility

The Board shall determine and adopt written policies to govern operation, use, and programs of the library and shall adopt bylaws for Board procedures.

Librarian responsibility

The Librarian shall recommend needed policies to the Board and supply samples and sources of information. The librarian shall carry out the policies as adopted by the Board with recommendations and materials for study, and administer the library within the framework of the library’s goals, objectives, policies, and budget.

Joint responsibility

Both the Board and the Librarian shall know local, state, and national laws which affect libraries and play an active role in initiating and supporting beneficial library legislation; shall participate fully in the library system and make use of the consultants of the Illinois State Library; shall attend regional, state, and national library association meetings and workshops when possible and join appropriate organizations working for improved libraries; and shall study library publications.


Board responsibility

The Board shall cooperate with other local government officials, keeping in mind the special legal responsibilities of a library board.  Board members shall attend all Board meetings and committee meetings to which they are assigned and shall carry out all special assignments promptly.

Librarian responsibility

The Librarian shall prepare all needed library reports to the government, the system, and the Illinois State Library and shall provide copies to the Board. The Librarian shall attend all Board and committee meetings except those meetings or parts of meetings in which the Librarian’s salary and tenure are discussed


Financial Status of the Library

Board responsibility

The Board shall keep aware of the financial status of the library.

Librarian responsibility

The Librarian will maintain accounts on accounting software and prepare checks for Treasurer’s review and signature. The Librarian shall prepare a report of budget status and expenditure for each Board meeting and aid the Treasurer in its presentation to the Board.

Treasurer responsibility

The Treasurer will verify the correctness of the bills to be paid be for signing checks. The Treasurer will present a report of budget status and expenditure for each Board meeting.

Joint responsibility

The Finance Committee shall prepare an annual budget in consultation with Librarian and Board; first the appropriation ordinance form, which anticipates the needs for the coming year, submitted to the Newman Township Supervisor, and second, an operating budget once the available revenues are determined. The Board shall work with the Librarian to formulate this budget, adequate to carry out the library’s goals and objectives, within any limitations of the state law.

Budget Presentation

Board responsibility

The Board shall present the budget to the general public, shall explain and defend it, shall help to secure adequate funds, staff, and services, and shall explore all ways of increasing the library’s income through tapping other sources and taking advantage of all available means of cooperating with other libraries.

Librarian responsibility

The Librarian shall assist the Board in cooperating with other libraries and shall call the Board’s attention to ways of stretching the budget.

Joint responsibility

The Librarian shall work with the Board in interpreting budget and financial needs to public officials and the public. The Board and the Librarian shall see that complete and accurate records concerning finances, personnel, property inventory, and annual reports are on file at the library.

Revised: October 30, 2002