Prohibited Gifts Policy


It is the policy of the Newman Township Library to comply with the State’s Gift Ban Act through the promulgation of this policy. Neither the Open Meetings Act nor the Freedom of Information Act of Illinois, or any policies of this Library in furtherance of those Acts, shall be applicable to proceedings, meetings, or documents involved here, which are exempt therefrom.


Due to the high costs of compliance for uncompensated and non-salaried, appointed and/or elected members of the Board of Library Trustees, and given that the experience of gifts of any kind or value to them is virtually non-existent and certainly has not been a source of improper action, influence, or effect in this Library or any Public Libraries in Illinois, it is the Policy to exempt all non-salaried appointed or elected officials of the Library from this Policy and the State Act, as permitted by that Act.


The terms “gift,” “prohibited source,” and “employee,” whether used in the singular or plural form and as used in this Policy, have the meaning as defined in the State’s Gift Ban Act.


The solicitation and acceptance of any “gifts” from any “prohibited source” are banned and prohibited for all Library employees except as provided in the following section of this Policy.


The restrictions in the foregoing section do not apply to the following:


Any employee who violates this policy shall be subject to termination or other discipline, including but not limited to suspension (with or without compensation) of employment for a stated term, a requirement to reimburse, return, or turn over any prohibited gift as directed by the Board of Library Trustees.


The President of the Board of Library Trustees shall designate an Ethics Officer for the Library who shall review Statements of Economic Interests and disclosure forms for members, officers, and employees of the library before they are filed, and provide guidance to members, officers, and employees in the interpretation and implementation of the State Gift Ban Act.

Revised June 21, 2023